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High quality school leadership advice, tailored to individual needs

  • Trusts 

  • School improvement

  • CEO and headteacher performance management

  • Free schools

About us

Andrew Lagden is an experienced independent education consultant, supporting many national organisations, schools, trusts and local authorities, with a very successful track record of securing significant improvement.

Andrew was a school inspector, working on behalf of Ofsted contractors, for 17 years. He currently works as a school improvement consultant for schools and trusts in both primary and secondary phases as well as for Manchester City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council. Additionally, he also works as an external CEO and headteacher performance management adviser for governing bodies and trusts.

Andrew has also provided significant support for the development of trusts and free schools, including as a consultant for the Confederation of School Trusts and other national organisations.  Additionally, he has delivered national leadership conferences and courses in a wide range of areas including recently on school improvement, the development of trusts and the current Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) on behalf of high-profile education organisations.


High quality support is provided in four key areas, including for the development of trusts, particularly for forming, growing and joining trusts, as well as for reviewing their performance.  Additionally, there is support for school quality assurance, self-evaluation and improvement planning processes together with regular school improvement partner reviews.

Excellent advice is provided for governors and trustees completing CEO and headteacher performance management, ensuring clear evidence of progress towards existing targets and realistic new objectives.  Free schools are supported in both the pre- and post-opening phases, including developing detailed business cases and applications.



  • How existing trusts can grow in size, including through mergers 
  • Developing growth strategies and plans
  • Identifying potential partner trusts and schools
  • Developing trust partnership agreements with schools
  • Completing due diligence on behalf of trusts and schools
  • Undertaking trust strategic planning
  • Developing quality assurance processes and preparing for the inspection of trusts
  • Using trust quality descriptors
  • Evaluating the impact of trust improvement and growth plans
  • Exploring the current options for maintained schools and single academy trusts

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School improvement

  • Based on the current Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF)
  • Providing support for schools in all Ofsted categories
  • Ensuring regular school improvement partner support
  • Quality assuring the main Ofsted school aspects
  • Developing monitoring and self-evaluation processes
  • Writing robust self-evaluation summaries and improvement plans
  • Providing leadership development, including reviews of senior and middle leadership
  • Supporting governors with the recruitment of headteachers
  • Completing governance and pupil premium reviews
  • Undertaking 360 reviews of skills and expertise of chairs, CEOs and headteachers

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CEO and headteacher performance management

  • Providing external adviser support in primary, secondary, special and alternative provision phases
  • Ensuring full involvement of governors and CEO or headteacher
  • Supporting the preparation of all documents
  • Documenting evidence of progress towards existing objectives
  • Writing realistic new objectives with suggested performance indicators 
  • Completing annual and mid-year reviews of performance
  • Undertaking 360 reviews of skills and expertise of chairs, CEOs and headteachers

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Free schools

  • Developing strong applications for free schools in the primary, secondary, sixth form, alternative provision and special phases
  • Developing University Technology Colleges (UTCs) and mathematics schools
  • Providing pre-opening support, including developing the education brief and other plans and policies
  • Supporting the preparation for the pre-opening Ofsted inspection
  • Providing post-opening support including reviews of performance based on the current Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF)
  • Developing the business case for making changes to academies, free schools and UTCs

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"Very thought provoking and independent."

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"He has been able to ask difficult questions in a supportive and constructive way and has both coached and mentored staff to effective solutions."

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"He is an incisive, analytical, objective and challenging consultant who is able to see the larger picture whilst maintaining a good contextual grasp."

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"The school has clearly benefitted at a strategic level from his input."

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"A clear understanding of the subject which was transmitted very clearly."

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"The consultant displayed a real desire to work with the school in partnership to improve outcomes for all students"

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"He is prepared to both challenge and support school leaders in a manner that is constructive and very positive"

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"He has the wisdom and diplomacy to deal with all the issues discussed with us and I feel confident in taking his advice"

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"The SLT and the chair said it was challenging but very well facilitated and that they learned so much from the experience that will support their development as school leaders"

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